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No Hp: 085647299195

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Cara Pemesanan

Sesuai ilmu yang telah saya dapatkan diPOLITEKNIK KESEHATAN SURAKARTA,dan tugas dari AMd.OP.saya berkewajiban dalam pembuatan alat ganti anggota gerak tubuh yang mengalami amputasi, membuat alat penguat anggota gerak tubuh yang layuh,untuk kepentingan orang banyak yang memerlukan keahlian saya,maka dari itu jika mau konsultasi ataupun mau memesan ORTOSIS & PROSTESIS,
Untuk melakukan pemesanan, berkonsultasi atau bertanya soal-soal produk orthotis prostetis hub saja : 085647299195  atau  085643474722

melayani pembuatan & pemesanan :
- kaki palsu
- tangan palsu
- walker
- Kructh
- Trepot
- Ortosis/Ortose
- Brace
- Afo
- Kafo
- Sepatu Ortopedi
- Korset
- dll

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Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)

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Knee Angkle Foot Orthosis (KAFO)

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Munster Scoliosis Orthosis (MSO)

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Orthotic Management of Low-Tone Children The Earlier the Better

Children with low tone need early orthotic intervention to prevent gait problems down the road.
When Ting Cusick arrived in the United States in 1998, the newly adopted one-year-old had nonfunctioning lax hips and feet. But despite these early setbacks, Ting began walking at 14 months, four months earlier than the average Chinese infant, according to her mother, Beverly Cusick, MS, PT, BOC COF.
Ting is now 13 years old and excels in soccer, skiing, gymnastics, and cheerleading. Her mother, a pediatric physical therapist, attributes some of her daughter's athletic success to wearing heel seats in canvas shoes with laces, flat soles, and deep heel boxes, beginning when she was 12 months old.
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Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Polysport foot Orthoses

An exclusive line of high-performance athletic orthoses

From our extensive experience with hundreds of amateur and professional athletes, our laboratory set out to make an exclusive line of highly perfected athletic orthoses whose active principles are individualized and adapted to each sport.

Following the treating physician’s examination and recommendations, we analyze the irritants and bio mechanical constraints so that we can blend the correctives with these requirements and the athlete’s threshold of physical tolerance.
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type of upper limb prosthesis

Below Elbow Prosthetics
While the lower extremity amputee requires a prosthesis to move about in his environment, the upper extremity amputee requires a prosthetic device to control his environment.
Normally, the residual limb is categorized by length in thirds.
• Short - Proximal third
• Standard - Mid-third
• Long - Distal third
The length of the remaining limb must be taken into consideration when prescribing the socket design and suspension system.

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