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Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

type of upper limb prosthesis

Below Elbow Prosthetics
While the lower extremity amputee requires a prosthesis to move about in his environment, the upper extremity amputee requires a prosthetic device to control his environment.
Normally, the residual limb is categorized by length in thirds.
• Short - Proximal third
• Standard - Mid-third
• Long - Distal third
The length of the remaining limb must be taken into consideration when prescribing the socket design and suspension system.

Split Socket Step Up Hinges
Rx: Very short residual limb
The Split Socket is used in conjunction with step up hinges, which provide and increase range of motion of the prosthetic forearm and allow the terminal device to reach the mouth

Below Elbow Prosthetics - Wrist Disarticulation
The major function of the socket in the upper extremity prosthesis is to transmit the movements of the bones as accurately as possible.
The wrist disarticulation amputee retains the ability to pronate and supinate the extremity by virtue of the long residual limb.
The socket is a "screwdriver" shape contoured around the wrist bones to lock in pronation and supination motions most effectively.
The most common componentry for the wrist disarticulation prosthesis is an oval shaped wrist unit used to aid against torque and to enhance cosmesis and flexible hinges to facilitate the transmission of the residual forearm rotation to the terminal device.

Below Elbow Prosthesis
(Conventional Design)
Rx: Mid to Long Residual limb
The conventional below elbow prosthesis consists of a socket, triceps cuff, suspension and cable system with flexible or rigid hinges

Below Elbow Prosthesis
(Muenster Design)
Rx: Short residual limb
The below elbow prosthesis of the Muenster design is used for patients with short below elbow amputations with the trim lines of the socket going above the epicondyles and fitting closely around the biceps tendon and olecranon. A figure nine suspension system and cable are used to operate the terminal device. Full extension of the elbow motion is limited with this design. It should be noted that the Muenster design socket is used with myoelectric control eliminating the suspension and cable system.
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