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Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Polysport foot Orthoses

An exclusive line of high-performance athletic orthoses

From our extensive experience with hundreds of amateur and professional athletes, our laboratory set out to make an exclusive line of highly perfected athletic orthoses whose active principles are individualized and adapted to each sport.

Following the treating physician’s examination and recommendations, we analyze the irritants and bio mechanical constraints so that we can blend the correctives with these requirements and the athlete’s threshold of physical tolerance.

Since these factors can vary as considerably as the diversity of today’s sports activities, we have adopted various manufacturing techniques which have been perfected over the years. These alternative methods are used for all fabrication details: insert cuts, the thickness of the shell, the depth of the heel cup as well as the use of postings whose capacity, thickness and density vary as much as the angles used in the transverse layer, the grade of the frontal layer and the height of the sagittal layer.

Sharing the effort in action

In this way, it is possible for us to directly modify many functions or key attributes such as movement phases, flexion-extension, energy recovery, stimulation of stretch receptors, as well as the operation of specific muscles or tendons to optimize the athlete’s performance.

Depending on the sports disciplines involved, the postings also take on the role of stimulating, correcting and compensating. They absorb shock waves which, in some sports, are particularly violent.

Consistent with the entire line of Bi-Op products, the Polysport orthosis retains its uniqueness because of its significant superiority over all other similar products on the market in resisting impact.

We offer a huge variety of top cover materials whose performance is based on grip, flexibility or perspiration control.

Whether you aspire to climb to new heights, conquer difficult slopes or surpass your own limits, Bi-Op’s orthoses will propel you to excellence.

The general appearance of the orthosis may vary with the patient’s body structure, the additions you may require and the use of top covers, if applicable.

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